Teō Haka
Centre for
growth &

Coffee & Jam: Raising startup capital in hard times


In order to survive AND thrive through the current pandemic uncertainty, startups must have access to capital to grow.
At Coffee and Jam next week, you’ll have the chance to hear from all sides of the funding spectrum from Venture Capital to Angel Investment to Crowdfunding platforms.

Our awesome panel includes:

1) Rob Vickery, founder, Hillfarrance Capital – NZ’s newest seed VC fund
2) Suse Reynolds, Executive Director – Angel Association of New Zealand
3) Anna Guenther – Founder – PledgeMe

Find out about investor sentiment straight from the source and discover what your startup may need to do to ensure access to funding in our current and future environment.

Coffee and Jam is free and dedicated to supporting the NZ startup community.

Book your place and see you there!


Powered by the South Island NZ Startup Community: Ministry of Awesome, Coinsouth, Startup Dunedin, and Startup Queenstown Lakes.


Suse Reynolds is a passionate believer in the power of angel investment to generate world changing businesses. She sits on the Board of the Wellington region’s angel network, Angel HQ and am Executive Director of the New Zealand Angel Association.