Teō Haka
Centre for
growth &

Coffee & Jam: Orion and Arc Powertrain

Join us at this Coffee & Jam as you’ll first hear from Mike Hodgkinson about his company Arc Powertrain – an energy startup that enables vehicles, aircrafts and power generators to run on ammonia, a zero-emission hydrogen-derived fuel. Mike will talk about why green ammonia is projected to power as much as 99% of the global shipping fleet and how Arc plasma ignition can play a key part in the transition to a decarbonized economy.

Next up you’ll hear from Paul Deavoll who’s the GM of Customer & Stakeholder at Orion Group. As someone who’s played a key role in creating the recently-launched Orion Energy Accelerator, Paul will speak about why innovation is important for the energy sector and the role that this programme will play in helping New Zealand make a shift towards a zero-emission future.

As always, there is plenty to be learned from these speakers, so make sure you come along to be inspired, and meet your startup tribe!


Note: As Coffee & Jam comes at a cost to run, we kindly ask our attendees to pay what you can when registering for this event. Your contribution will help us continue running Christchurch’s longest startup meetup and supporting the Ōtautahi startup community.




Mike Hodgkinson
CEO @Arc Powertrain
Mike founded Arc Powertrain with a former head of research at Champion
Ignition Systems (EU) and a former VP of Harley-Davidson (USA). Their goal is to commercialize patented engine technology that enables ships, trains, trucks and power generators to run on the zero-emission hydrogen-derived fuel, ammonia. Mike holds BCom and MCom (Hons) degrees from the University of Canterbury.Mike will talk about why green ammonia is projected to power as much as 99% of the global shipping fleet and how Arc plasma ignition can play a key part in the transition to a decarbonized economy.
Paul Deavoll
GM Customer & Stakeholder @Orion

Paul is currently General Manager, Customer and Stakeholder for Orion NZ Ltd, Mid Canterbury’s local electricity distribution business.

Paul has mentored in the business start-up community and is highly experienced engaging with local and central government. As an experienced people leader, he brings a broad range of business capabilities that extend across human capital, change management and culture, commercial, customer management, technical leadership, sustainability, sales, marketing, channel development, communications and engagement.

As an active supporter of the redevelopment of a vibrant new Christchurch, Paul has been involved in several reference groups associated with City redevelopment. He is well networked across Canterbury. Paul has mentored in the business start-up community and always engaged strongly in our local
community. Currently President for the Canterbury Employers Chamber of Commerce Board and trustee on the Christchurch Foundation.