Teō Haka
Centre for
growth &

[Virtual] Office Hours with Rampersand


Office Hours are about creating opportunities for startups and VCs to meet, either for investment pitching or for any general startup Q&As. Startups get the opportunity to speak with top-tier investors in ANZ and other countries which they would not normally/easily have the chance to do so if they were to approach the same investors by themselves.

Meet your VC


Chris Quirk, Investment Manager, Rampersand

Chris Quirk is the Investment Manager at Rampersand, a venture capital firm backing visionary Australia and New Zealand Founders at the Seed investment stage.

Chris is also a mentor/partner at Startmate, Australia’s most ambitious accelerator – helping exceptional people build iconic companies.

Chris is also an advisor at High Earth Orbit Robotics, a SpaceTech startup developing a swarm of nanosatellites to undertake efficient space situational awareness and satellite identification.