
Myovolt teams up with Ironman legend Mike Phillips to power up his recovery

Thursday, February 27th, 2020

Myovolt, a wearable fittech startup, has been a part of the Te Ōhaka – Centre for Growth and Innovation for the last 6 months, alongside 24 other Christchurch based high-growth startups. We are excited to share that the Myovolt team has agreed on a sponsorship with Ironman Mike Phillips. Myovolt will help Mike with speeding up his recovery he can smash his goals at 2020 Ironman.

Enter Myovolt

Myovolt, the leading technology provider in wearable recovery has teamed up with Mike Philips, New Zealand based Ironman to support his bid for the world Ironman champs in 2020.

Mike Philips, who is coming back from injury which hampered his racing last year, is now hot on the heels of the podium leaders thanks to Myovolt helping him manage muscle recovery so he can train harder, recover faster and push himself further as a professional athlete.

The professional Ironman race circuit is one of the most grueling challenges for any athlete’s body but with support from Myovolt to keep soreness and stiffness at bay, Mike can keep on track with his training and perform at the peak of his ability every time. 

Myovolt founder, Dr Dianne Jones says “It’s fantastic to be working with a world-class athlete like Mike in a sport where muscle recovery is crucial for the marginal gains required to win at the top level. Myovolt harnesses cutting edge vibration tech to speed up recovery, giving you a much smarter way to support the physical demands of an intensive training schedule.”

The focus of Myovolt is on the importance of recovery as part of a daily exercise routine and be used by anyone, not just elite athletes. In Mike’s case, it is essential to include recovery as a key part of his intensive training schedule. This will be able to keep him on track for his personal goals as well as minimize the risk of injury from poor recovery.

“Myovolt is a world-leading recovery tech, and it’s great to be working with them. Being smarter about recovery after training and leading up to races is the key to success in Ironman and keeping me on the podium this year” says Mike Philips.

Myovolt will be a key feature in Mike’s recovery journey along his strenuous race circuit.

About MYOVOLT® – wearable recovery

Myovolt is a wearable recovery technology that targets Vibration Therapy directly onto the body. Myovolt has been developed by experts in wearable technology who created electronic performance-enhancing garments for Olympic and elite athletes. Myovolt delivers focal vibration to relieve muscle soreness and stiffness. Additionally, by stimulating blood flow, Myovolt aids faster recovery of muscles and joints after physical activity helping an athlete recover up to 3x faster. The benefits of Myovolt have been tested, validated and published by experts in sports physiology and recovery medicine.

About Mike Philips- Professional IRONMAN

Mike is a professional triathlete based in Christchurch, New Zealand who has competed in 29 international Ironman/Challenge events, finishing on the podium in 23 of them.

Mike competed in his debut IRONMAN in 2017, finishing in the World’s Fastest debut time. This shifted Mike’s focus earlier than expected to the IRONMAN World Championships, where he secured qualification by winning IRONMAN New Zealand, with a new run course record.

Announcing EY New Zealand as the official sponsor and partner of Te Ōhaka

Thursday, February 20th, 2020

We are stoked to officially announce EY as sponsor and partner of Te Ōhaka – Centre for Growth and Innovation. This partnership enables EY to supercharge the growth of startups at Te Ōhaka and also allows startups to get mentorship and support from one of the global leaders in SME consulting.

Since November last year, the EY New Zealand team has been sitting down 1:1 and helping founders with every facet of their business including tax, R&D, growth, strategy, planning, marketing, HR & operation, compliance and more. And founders are reaping the benefits from these conversations.

We believe that the support EY provides will continue to help nurture and strengthen the growth of our startups at Te Ōhaka.

Below is the Radius Robotics team chatting with Liz Foxwell-Canning, Manager of the Private Client Advisory from EY.


Komodo Monitr breaks into International Market

Monday, January 27th, 2020

A Christchurch startup business has earned the opportunity to work alongside some of the biggest sporting bodies in the world.

Komodo Monitr is a software designed to help amateur athletes develop their skills and avoid injury.

The software, founded in 2018, is the brain child of three former University of Canterbury (UC) students: Matt Goodson, Jack Wood and Chris Bacon

Komodo Monitr’s software is used by strength and conditioning coaches in sport. Coaches can track an athlete’s workload and wellbeing to reduce injuries and maximise their performance.

Wood, the company’s business development director, said the software tracks things like stress levels, sleep quality, training intensity and duration, and then makes recommendations based on the data.

“One of the unique things about us is that we can work with any sport. Our background is in football, but we range from there to sports such as water polo and volleyball too.

“Its absolutely incredible that we’ve been given the opportunity to work with companies that are so specific to what we’re doing and are huge international brands – it’s a whole new experience for us.”

They recently beat 150 other startups to earn a place in the Taiwan-based Hype Spin sports accelerator, one of three high profile sports accelerators in the world.

After winning UC’s 85k entré competition, the software founders took their idea and business model to Te Ōhaka – a startup incubator created by Ara Institute of Canterbury and the Ministry of Awesome.

Ministry of Awesome chief executive Marian Johnson said the trio came with a strong idea and a platform, and left with a fully-fledged business model.

“What we’ve done since then is help validate their product by making sure it had a customer base and figuring out the right business model for that base,” she said.

At an angel investment summit last month, Minister of Economic Development Phil Twyford said innovation was the key to growing New Zealand’s economy, and New Zealand needed to harness such opportunities better.

Christchurch has churned out several exciting startups over recent years, enhancing the city’s reputation as an innovation hub.

Te Ōhaka is involved in another 19 startups, including Limpidity, which is trying to solve a $92 billion problem in the global aviation industry.

Last month, Stuff reported on a Christchurch startup that bypasses the voicemail system by transcribing voicemails into text messages. In 2015, Stuff reported on a startup expert who described the city as an “‘entrepreneur’s paradise“.

Komodo Monitr’s founders plan to expand into the Australian and Taiwanese markets in 2020, adding to their existing customers in New Zealand and Spain.



Thank you for an amazing 2019. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Monday, December 16th, 2019

2019 was a massive year beginning with the launch of Te Ōhaka in late May with our awesome founding partner – Ara Institute of Canterbury. Since Ara and Ministry of Awesome laid the foundation, we’ve been joined by fellow partners Wynn Williams, EY New Zealand and – our newest partner – Bank of New Zealand.

Our first cohort of high growth startups is smashing it too. Since our launch, we are now hosting 20 high-growth and high impact startups many of whose stories you’ve read and many that you’re about to hear from. We’re so proud of these startup teams. It’s also been a pleasure to host some of the key events that support the Christchurch innovation ecosystem, including EY’s EOY launch, #FiresideChats, #StartupBreakfastClub, the C-Prize information evening, Aerospace Meetup and so many more.

Also huge thanks and recognition to all of the friends, partners, entrepreneurs, and fellow travellers at University of Canterbury , Blinc Innovation, Vodafone New Zealand and ChristchurchNZ.

Last but not least, for those who have engaged with activities at Te Ōhaka, thank you so much for being a part of our 2019. With your support, we hope to support more high calibre startups and host more events with high profile speakers in 2020. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

C Prize 2019 – Empowering New Zealand’s next generation of environmental innovators

Thursday, October 3rd, 2019

What’s C-Prize? 

C-Prize is a competition run by Callaghan Innovation that seeks to push the boundaries of what’s possible through technology.

This year’s C-Prize competition is challenging entrants to develop innovative tech-based solutions with the power to change environmental outcomes.


What’s in it? 

C-Prize 2019 teams will compete for exciting cash prize packages, access to expert R&D and business advice, and significant international market exposure.

Key benefits include: 

• Develop your big idea with extra support and reduced risk 

• Access resources to support Research & Development to a proof of concept or early product prototype 

• Connect with the innovation community nationally and internationally • Learn from industry experts to improve your chances of business success 

• Establish and grow your profile as an environmental innovator 

• Win a share of over $250k in prizes, including a first prize of $100k cash and services

The 2019 Game – Environmental Innovation Challenge

There are three entry categories for this year’s C-Prize: 

• Growing and Producing: How we grow and/or manufacture new or existing products and services in innovative ways (new materials, new processes, new systems, etc.) that will accelerate positive environmental outcomes 

• Using and Consuming: How we consume products in ways that preserve resources (reuse, recycle, reclaim, etc.) and reduce negative environmental impacts 

• Rejuvenating Natural Systems: The creation or innovative use of technologies that will not just reduce negative environmental impacts, but improve our natural environment (land, climate, soil, water, and nutrient systems)



C-Prize 2019 team entries opened on Monday 23 September 2019 and will close on 8th December; the finalists will be announced on the 20th December. 


What’s happening at the entrant information evenings @ Te Ōhaka?

The Callaghan team will fly from Auckland to Christchurch and host an evening information event at Te Ōhaka – Centre for Growth and Innovation on the 22 October 2019 5.30 – 7.30 PM.

At this information evening, you’ll hear from leading New Zealand environmental innovators, learn more about the challenge, hear how to complete a compelling entry and have the chance to network with other forward-thinking founders and entrepreneurs, scientists and engineers from New Zealand’s innovation ecosystem. 



More info about C Prize

For more details please contact [email protected].



FoodStarter 2019 launches 16 September

Wednesday, September 18th, 2019

The Brothers Green, aka Brad Lake and Brendon McIntosh who have now been joined by Michael Burnett, won last year’s FoodStarter competition – a partnership between Ministry of Awesome (MoA) and Foodstuffs South Island.  MoA is based at Te Ōhaka – the Centre for Growth & Innovation at Ara Institute of Canterbury.

Click here to read about their award-winning products and how the Foodstarter competition helped them to get their ideas on supermarket shelves.

Te Ōhaka teams up with Wynn Williams to help startups thrive.

Friday, September 13th, 2019

Ministry of Awesome and Te Ōhaka – Centre for Growth & Innovation are pleased to announce today that we have formally agreed to work with Wynn Williams as Te Ōhaka’s national legal sponsor.  This is an invaluable relationship for the 23 high growth startups who are working to grow and scale alongside the support of the Te Ōhaka startup community and advisors.

In their early stages, high growth startups are at their most vulnerable and surrounding themselves with excellent leadership, experience, and professional legal expertise will help them navigate what can be a confusing growth journey towards success.

Wynn WilliamsCorporate and CommercialPartners, Phoebe Davies and Charlene Sell,  shared their expertise with the startup teams on the subject of Business Structures and Capital Raising earlier this week as part of the Te Ōhaka Fireside Chat series.  The following day, they ran a 2 hour startup clinic which was fully booked by founders.

As part of our partnership, the Wynn Williams legal team will return quarterly for the themed Fireside Chat event and will run Startup Clinics every 2 weeks at Te Ōhaka in order to ensure the resident founders have access to the legal support they need to successfully navigate their way through the growth challenges ahead.